As part of its Attract mission, the Graduate School Genetics and Epigenetics New Education (Ecole Universitaire de Recherche Génétique et Epigénétique Nouvelle Ecole – EUR GENE) offers each year up to 10 fellowships to international students enrolled in the Master 2 of Genetics of the Université de Paris.
- A 5 000€ scholarship
- The payment by the EUR of the internship stipend in a research laboratory of the University of Paris (mandatory 6 months M2 internship)
- Simplified application to student housing (subject to availability each year)
- Hold a Master 1 (or equivalent) obtained in a country other than France
- Have all the academic prerequsistes for the Master’s in Genetics of Université de Paris
- Candidates must hold a non-French citizenship
- Completed the application before the call deadline
Note: Although fellowship recipients are considered as accepted into the Master 2, an application for the fellowship does not represent application to the Masters program, which must be carried out via the specific procedure: https://u-paris.fr/en/admissions/
Grantees must make sure by themselves that they are in possession of the required documents to study in France.
- Opening of the call for projects: January 3, 2022
- Closing date for applications: March 28, 2022 (included – CET)
- Preselection notifications and interviews: May 2022
- Selection notifications: beginning of June 2022
To apply to the fellowship, fill in English the form on the application platform: https://eur-gene.app.univ-paris-diderot.fr/31836?lang=en(link is external)
You can prepare in advance the requested documents that will need to be submitted to the platform. They should be compiled into a signle .pdf file in the following order :
- your complete and up to date curriculum vitae
- courses attended and transcripts for the past three academic years, including the current year
- copies of your diplomas (NB: selected students will be asked to bring the original diplomas on arrival)
- registration certificate for 2020-2021 (if presently enrolled in a higher education institution)
- two letters of reference from academic or research staff, among which at least one belongs to your home university
- English language certificate, if you have one
- a photocopy of your passport – or ID if you are from the EU
The file should contain your name : NAME_GENEM2-2022-2023.pdf
To access the platform, you will first be asked to give your name and email. You will then receive a message containing the link to your application session. This link will allow you to resume filling the application anytime you need to come back and finish it later.
Please note that once you have submitted the form, you will not have access anymore.
Documents sent by email will not be considered in applications.